Tempo goes to LSPR! This event was held on Thursday 19 October 2017, at Prof. Djajusman Auditorium and Perfomence hall, LSPR Jakarta. The event was opened by Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan as Dean of Campus B. This event take us to learn more about how Tempo investigates a news by Stefanus Pramono (Pram) as Investigation Editor and Istiqomah (Esti) from Indonesiana.

Mrs. Istiqomah as Admin of Indonesiana gave explanation about Indonesiana

Mr. Pram told about his experiences being an investigative journalist and played two videos about Toto Hutagalung and Sukamiskin Prison.

Mr. Stefanus Pramono shared his experiences as investigator journalist Tempo

Mrs. Istiqomah explained about Indonesiana, a public blog that created by Tempo. She said we can make everything on Indonesiana as long as it does not contain by SARA and personal attack. The  event was closed with photos session. (Rachel/Irfan)