China recently became a country with the economy and is increasingly playing an important and influential role in the global economy. The 7th ASEAN TALKS Live from LSPR Jakarta that was held on Friday november 18th 2016 at LSPR Reserach Center talked about “Comprehensive Communication : An Efficient Approach to Better Integration On ASEAN And China.” The 7th ASEAN TALKS Live hosted by Mrs. Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M with two guest speakers, namely Mr. Wang Zelian, The Director of Press and Public Affairs Mission of The People’s Republic of China to ASEAN and Mr. Tim Young, The Head and Chief Correspondent, China Economic Daily.
The 7th ASEAN TALKS opened with the presentation session by Mr. Wang Zelian about The Integration of China and ASEAN. According to Mr. Zelian, China and ASEAN need each other because a community of common destiny and shared a lot of things in common together such as neighborhood, history, values and future. He also stated that we have such a big chances to learn each other and due to a lot of similarities that we have it should be easy to do. In his session he also talked that there are still a lot of miss understanding between ASEAN and China that are need to be straightened like the fear that other countries have for China even though China is far from what they thought and even China has strong economic influence, they would like to share their knowledge to ASEAN. In the end of his session he talked about the youth role in reaching prosperity for both China and ASEAN and China’s plan to gives schoolarship for ASEAN students to strengthen the coorpertation between China And ASEAN.
The event then continued with the presentation of Mr. Tim Young. In the beginning of his session he talked about his experiences in Indonesia and then specifically talked about what China and Indonesia have been done and what we want in common. He stated that we want our people to enjoy a better life and in order to make this happen we need a lot of support from technology, education, and international community. In the middle of his presentation he also showed the audiences some videos of him with talented youths from Indonesia. “Creativity is the key to prosperity, together we can have our bright future.” With that statement, Mr. Young closed his session.
The event continued with a disscusion session. Both of the audiences and speaker participate enthusiastically on this session and finally, the 7th ASEAN TALKS ended with the conferment of memorial charter for the speaker by the founder of LSPR Jakarta Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, ARP, and a photo session. (Natasha/Fafa)