Monday, March 23, 2015 LSPR held It’s Annual Lecturer’s Convention it was celebrated for the 8th time. Different from previous years, this time Lecturer’s Convention was enlivened by the appearance of the lecturers through musical drama entitled “Ada Apa dengan AA (Asia Africa)”, it was motivated because on the same day LSPR also commemorate the 60th anniversary of the conference.
The drama musical is packaged in comedy, it was successful in entertaining the audience consisting of lecturers, staff, and students of LSPR. On the same opportunity, LSPR also gave away door prizes to lecturer and staff on the lucky draw.
The event was closed by giving the award to the Best Lecturer. It was divided into several categories from Campus A, B, and C. For this year there is also an additional new category by the Research Centre to reward lecturers who considered successful doing their research optimally.
CAMPUS A: Department of Business Studies
Best Lecturer : Deddy Muharman, M.Si.
Runner Up Best Lecturer : Mikhael Y. Cobis, M.Si.
Best Expertise Lecturer : Magda Harahap, M.A.
Runner Up-Best Expertise Lecturer: Johan Jang, M.Si.
CAMPUS B: Department of DMCA, Mass Comm and PAC
Best Lecturer : Yolanda Stellarosa, M.Si.
Runner Up Best Lecturer : Raffiudin Akil, S.H., M.Si.
Best Expertise Lecturer : Arswendo Atmowiloto
Runner Up Best Expertise Lecturer : Gustav Aulia, S.T.
CAMPUS C: Department of Public Relations and Marketing Studies
Best Lecturer
Runner Up Best Lecturer : Sophia Bernadette, S.E.
Best Expertise Lecturer : Wahyu Dewanto, M.M.
Runner Up Best Expertice Lecturer : Untung Subroto, M.Psi.
Best Lecturer
Runner Up Best Lecturer : Joe Harrianto, M.Si.
Best Expertise Lecturer : Drs. Teguh Poeradisastra, M.M.
Runner Up Best Expertice Lecturer : Dr. Zinggara Hidayat
Best Thesis Advisor (B) : Alex Sobur, M.Si.
Runner Up Best Thesis Advisor (B) : Ir. Mursal Boer, M.AgrSc.
Best Thesis Advisor ( C) : Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si.
Runner Up Best Thesis Advisor ( C) : Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M.
Best Thesis Advisor : Ari S. Widodo, Ph.D.
Runner Up Best Thesis Advisor : Dr. J. A. Wempi
Best Thesis Advisor Expertise : Dr. Iin Mayasari
Runner Up Best Thesis Advisor Expertise : Dr. Margaretha Margawati B. S.
Best Researcher : Dr. Rino F. Boer
Runner Up Best Researcher : Dr. Artini Soeparmo
Best Jr. Researcher : Cendera Rizky A. Bangun, M.Si.
Best Lecturer on Community Service : Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si
Runner Up Best Lecturer on Community Service : Imanuel Enrico Hutagalung, M.Sc.
Best Jr. Lecturer on Community Service : Rani Chandra Octaviani, M.Si.