To Close the 2015 PR Festival, IR 16-2C presented The Future of Democracy in ASEAN held last Tuesday, June 23, 2015 @america, Pacific Place Mall. The event discussed the state of democracy in the ASEAN countries presented by Rene Pattiradjawane-Chairman of Chinese Studies Foundation, Harison Citrawan-Human Rights Researcher of Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Arif Susanto-Researcher of the Indonesian Institute for Development of Democracy as the speakers.
The event discussed the state of democracy in the ASEAN countries presented by Rene Pattiradjawane, Harison Citrawan, Arif Susanto
The event opened by Gery Pergl of the Public Affairs Officer of US Embassy who describes the US Mission to ASEAN Priorities and YSEALI Program, continued with an opening remarks by Ms. Elke Alexandrina-Dean Campus C. The discussion was moderated by Rudi Sukandar-Senior Researcher of The Habibie Center & LSPR Lecturer started the discussion about the state of democracy and democratic development that will occur in the ASEAN countries. “ASEAN’s diverse political systems, so that what is touted as a diverse democracy. We (Indonesia) recognize as guided democracy, “said Rene Pattiradjawane when asked about how the democratic system in ASEAN.
“We have to be a real leader in a democracy using democratic values in ASEAN, such as mutual aid,” said Arif Susanto when asked about the future of democracy in ASEAN. The event was closed with a traditional dance performance by LSPR Dance Club. (Risvi Maulana, Dwiki Aji Kurniawan)