On May 9th, 2018, the London School of Public Relations – Jakarta (LSPR – Jakarta) officially launched the ASEAN Centre for Creativepreneurship Studies (CACS) at LSPR Prof. Dr. Audtorium & Djajusman Performance Hall. The formation of LSPR CACS was realized with the activities of an economy that is not only controlled by the conglomerates. The young generations also participates and encourages economic growth through communication technology they mastered, which is one form of creative economy. Like selebgram, blogger to influencer who became a new profession now loved by young people.

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si gave his opening speech
The creative economy is a concept in the era of the new economy that intensifies information and creativity by relying on the ideas and knowledge of human resources as the main production factor. The vision of the LSPR CACS is to become a learning support centre, to equipped, and develop graduates of LSPR for being creative and innovative entrepreneurs. In pursuit of that vision, the Mission of the LSPR CACS is to create and manage programs and activities that can meet and become the backbone of the success of LSPR for graduates in their entrepreneurial path.

H.E. Jose Tavares gave his keynote speech for the inauguration of LSPR CACS

Talkshow with H.E. Djauhari Oratmangun and H.E. Huang Xilian
In the inauguration of the LSPR CACS, organized the seminar also presents H.E. Jose Tavares – Director General for ASEAN cooperation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Djauhari Oratmangun – Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic The people of China and Mongolia, and H.E. Huang Xilian – Ambassador of the people’s Republic of China for the ASEAN to discuss the topic: “Encourage economic growth through creativepreneurship Indonesia in ASEAN.” Also present in this discussion, H.E. Kazuo Sunaga – Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, Lee Yoong Yoong – Director of Community Affairs Directorate for the ASEAN Secretariat and also Peter Thorin – Acting Chief of Mission, u.s. Mission to ASEAN.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR introduced LSPR CACS
“I am optimistic that the LSPR CACS will become a container for developing leading entrepreneurs are able to compete globally while contributing to the local community.” Said Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR – Co-founder & Director LSPR Jakarta.

Giving plaque appreciation session after the talkshow
The activities of the LSPR CACS for the coming years include an incubation Program, Family Business mentoring programme, Bootcamp, and the network’s exclusive Alumni Entrepreneurship. Incubation program, which consists of seminars, talk shows, workshops, hackathon, bootcamp, and incubation will be done once in one academic year. In the meantime, the Family Business Mentorship Programme is implemented twice per academic year. (Anita)