After going through Basic Leadership Training from 2 – 4 October 2015, Rio and Vega has been elected as the new President and Vice President of LSPR Student League period 2015-2016 against other candidates at 43.09%, with Ahmad and Fathie at 42.58% and Memmo and Ridho at 14.33%.
With their vision to make LSPR Student League as an organization that is proactive, productive and professional with mission to provide education for all students of LSPR through worthwhile activities and quality, Rio-Vega’s cabinet are referred as BAPER (BAwa PERubahan) is ready to work hard to bring LSPR Student League towards a better direction.
These are the Structure of the New Cabinet LSPR Student League period 2015-2016 :
Vice President
General Secretary & Treasury : Febrina Ramadyanti (IR 17-1C)
Head of PR Division
Internal Division
External Division
Head of Creative Division : Rizky Yavi Diamanta (MC 17-2B)
Media Social and Web : Maria Angelica (MKT 18-1C)
Congratulations to all the New cabinet! (Sabrina Nuraini)