On February 12, 2019, Class 22-17A presented a traditional Indonesian musical theatre show entitled as “Kadita: The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul” at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall, Campus B, LSPR – Jakarta. This show presents an original script from Natazia Gloria Ayu and original music from M. Arsy Widianto with the help of the lecturer, Mr. Mikha Yulius Cobis, M.Sc, MM, and an assistant lecturer, Ms. Greta Ariati Mulyosantoso, S.I.kom. The traditional dance followed by a song sung by Kadita (Rifka Fakhira) opened the show.

Opening Dance of Kadita

The beginning of the story starts when Raja Munding (M. Arsy Widianto) goes hunting and meets his love, Dewi Mutiara (Marisa Noviani A. Tobing).

Raja Munding and his soldier

King Munding returned to the Kingdom and told his daughter, Kadita, that he fell in love with Dewi Mutiara and wanted to marry her, so they could have a son to lead the Kingdom after the mother of Kadita died. At first, Kadita objected his father to marry Dewi Mutiara but in the result, Kadita supported his choice.

Rifka Fahira as Kadita

After King Munding married Dewi Mutiara, she gave birth to a boy. Apparently, it turned out that the son could not lead the Kingdom.

Dewi Mutiara expel her son

Finally, she forced King Munding to expel Kadita and make his son the successor of the Kingdom. After seven days being expelled from the Kingdom of Kadita went to the South Ocean and turn into Nyi Roro Kidul.

All crews of Kadita


“After the theatre finished, I feel relieved due to impressions I got,” said Nadia Alysha Ardelia Ichtiar, the Director of this theatre.(Syaffana, Athaya)