PASKA (Pelatihan dan Apresiasi Seni untuk penderita Kanker Anak) is a social event that aims as an art training facilities for children with cancer. Together with YKAKI (Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia) PASKA held an art & social event with the title “Adventure of Sherina”. This event is a form of CF Production cooperation with YKAKI which was spearheaded by Christina Tanor and Fathie Busyra as two female students from London School of Public Relations, Jakarta.

This drama musical was the last project from Christin and Fathia from Batch 17.
“Adventure Sherina” theatre was held in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall, LSPR Jakarta on Monday, January 12th, 2017. This theatre is the same as the original story, about a girl named Sherina (Fristy) who always quarreled with Sadam (Rival from YKAKI) who later became a good friend after together against three kidnappers who were ordered to kidnap Sadam so that Sadam’s parents would sell their plantation. The people who joined as a cast in this theater are the children of YKAKI and LSPR Jakarta students.

The casts of the performance were a combination from LSPR and the foundation.
Art training is given in two types, workshop with some art practitioners & training for appreciation show. The YKAKI children enjoy the training process with PASKA, because with this performance they can do things they like, like dancing & singing. At the end of the performance, the audience is shown a short video about YKAKI childern impressions while practicing for this performance. (Vania / Cik Ratu)