On Wednesday, 23 December 2015, LSPR looks quiet because the students are enjoying their Christmas and New Year holiday. LSPR staff, also had their Training on Personality Development 2015 that was held at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance hall. This training aims to improve communication and personal skills of LSPR staff.

Mr. Arief Bakrie is the first session speaker

Mr. Arief Bakrie is the first session speaker

The training was divided into 3 sessions. The first session is about Public Speaking “Business Presentation Skill” explained by Mr. Arief Bakrie. As the title suggests, this section describes how to speak in public properly and with confidence.

Mr. Arno Kemaputra explained how to greet guest properly

Mr. Arno Kemaputra explained how to greet guest properly

Then the next session was on Professional Service Excellence explained by Mr. Arno Kemaputra. In this session, the staff learned how to improve service quality at LSPR, such as receiving guests or receiving phone calls.

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari explained why teamwork is important

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari explained why teamwork is important

And the last session is on Team Work and Team Building explained by Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari. In this session, he explained why teamwork is essential in an organization or community.

LSPR Staff draw their hope for the future of LSPR - Jakarta

LSPR Staff draw their hope for LSPR – Jakarta

Besides learning, they also played games that was related to the topic that was discussed. The enthusiasm of the staff made this training more fun. (Sabrina)