Jakarta – Wednesday, March 16, 2022 Department of Strategic Studies LSPR Student League has held the second Webinar for Processing Social Political Thoughts (NGOPI SOSPOL) entitled “The Importance of Digitalization of Jadetabek MSMEs’ ‘ virtually through Zoom Meeting. Inviting Farazandi Fidinansyah, SE., M.Sc. which emphasizes that humans are created specifically to develop and adapt, so that ongoing technological developments become a catalyst for the shift of market needs and interests from conventional to digital; and M. Alieffikry Handesra, S. Kom. who said that digital MSME actors must improve their business standards from just “trading” to “doing business” with an organized system. Moderated by Patricia Vicky Sihombing, M.Sc., the two speakers conveyed their views communicatively so that they inspired participants to become optimistic digital MSME players in developing their business by focusing not only on profits, but also solving and fulfilling market needs.

The participants