Jakarta – Tuesday, February 16, 2021, the ASEAN Public Relations Network (APRN) in collaboration with the LSPR Research Center held the ASEAN SPOT 9th Talk Series entitled “The Grand Launching of Global Capability Framework – Indonesia Perspective.” which held from 14.00 to 16.00 WIB and broadcasted live on the Zoom Meeting platform. This event was moderated by Sophia Bernadette, S.E, M.I.Kom and attended by Rendro Dhani, PhD, Dr. Nia Sarinastiti, and Boy Kelana Soebroto as speakers.

Prof. Anne Gregory as keynote speaker
ASEAN SPOT Virtual 9th Talk Series was hosted by Ms. Candy Hernandez, M.Si, Managing Director of ASEAN PR Network. It started with various video congratulatory remarks from ASEAN PR Network member Associations from all over the region, followed by the welcoming remarks and presentation from Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as CEO of LSPR Communication & Business Institute and President of ASEAN PR Network, then continued with remarks from Dr. Rudi Sukandar, Director of LSPR Centre for Research, Publication and Community Service, followed by our Keynote Speaker Prof. Anne Gregory as Research Director, Global Capabilities Project, University of Huddersfield, UK. After that, the discussion regarding the launch of the Global Capability Framework was started by Rendro Dhani, PhD as the head of the Research Center and a lecturer at the LSPR Communication & Business Institute who explained the Global Capability Framework research project and its results, he also explained the research methods used by his team and showed one by one the results of the methods that his team uses, he also explains about the capabilities that need to be owned by Public Relations both from an Indonesian perspective and a global perspective. The discussion continued by Dr. Nia Sarinastiti, who is a senior lecturer at Atmajaya Christian University discussed the skills required for Public Relations in the industry and requirements of Public Relations to be able to work. Then Boy Kelana Soebroto as vice chairman III of BPP PERHUMAS continued the discussion by explaining how Public Relations works in a crisis and discussing the capabilities and sub-capabilities that Public Relations should have.

Mr. Rendro explained about key capabilities global and Indonesian perspective
In the question and answer session, all speakers agreed that the main capability that must be possessed by Public Relations is ethics, according to Boy Kelana Soebroto, ethics is an important capability and he considers ethics to be the basis of all capabilities that need to be owned by Public Relations. Prof. Anne also added that interpersonal communication is also a major capability in Indonesia and this is a positive thing.

All participants
Article by: Netanya