Jakarta – On December 11, Research Centre LSPR held an online Book Discussion entitled “Women In PR” which presenting Prof. Dr. Ana Adi, Professor of Public Relations and Corporate Communications at Quadriga University, Berlin, Germany, Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, Founder & CEO LSPR Communication & Business Institute, also Nico A. Wattimena, Ph.D, PR Practitioner & Senior Lecturer LSPR Communication & Business Institute

Prof. Dr. Ana Adi, Professor of Public Relations and Corporate Communications at Quadriga University, Berlin, Germany

In the discussion, Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR explains about 2/3 PR Public Relations are women (65%) which are women are good in details (nitty-gritty), multitasking she can be mother, manager and people who helped you in the organizations. Woman can do at the same time, which is more social, passionate & empathy, prepare crisis, easy to deal with, and listening skill. Many man are more successful in PR job compare to woman. Man has can work longer hours, site crisis or event, lobbying and negotiation skill, domination, and logic and to the point.  In the company woman and man in PR to doings are promotional barriers, double standard for woman, pressure of stereotypes, leadership styles, female competition & bullying, and optimism about the future. More job for men and women in PR such are accountable leader, creative & innovative, ethical & manner, accuracy & perseverance, responsible & professional, and proud of the profession.

Finally, Prof. Dr. Ana Adi presentation about Women In PR,  effects of feminization of professions has more lack of job attractiveness, reduced pay, diminishing perception of value and contribution to society, decrease in perception of quality and skills necessary to complete. Woman’s job in PR which are PR students, PR research, PR history, and PR practitioners. The more implications for women in PR are career progression, diversity and inclusion, perpetuating bias, glass ceiling, and emotional labour. Women also have potential solutions for gender quotas, shared responsibilities, focus on work done, focus on mental health, well-being and balance, communication as a compulsory studi topic beyond communication specific degress.

All the participants