Jakarta – Friday, March 25th 2022, LSPR Communication and Business Institute held a webinar: “Book Discussion Radiomorfosis: Transformasi Radio Dalam Komunikasi dan Bisnis’ ‘. Radiomorfosis is a book written by Mrs. Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati, S.E., M.Si, or well known as Mam Lya, Head of Undergraduate Programme In Communication Studies, and lecturer of LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

The webinar was opened with opening remarks from Mr. Rendro Dhani, P.hD and Mr. Rudi Sukandar, P.hD, who are the lecturers of LSPR Communication and Business Institute. The webinar continued with the discussion of the author, Mrs. Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati, S.E., M.Si, and Mr. Muhammad Arif Bakri, S.Sos, and hosted by Mr. Andre Joshua Ch. Sagala, M.Si.

Begins from being in love with radio, Mam Lya starting to observe radio and written Radiomorfosis book. Even she mentioned in last Friday webinar, that radio was part of her life. Almost all of her life spended as a radio broadcaster. Mr. Andre, the host, asked the discussants will the radio become outdated in today’s world, where everything is changing so fast. Both of the discussants said that radio will never be outdated, as long as it’s not static and metamorphosed, taking part in today’s era which is growing everyday. The detail information about radio’s metamorphoses are written in the book. For londoners who are curious with Mam Lya’s book, its now available in campus library, both in Sudirman Park and Bekasi. Once again, congratulation Mam Lya!

The participants


Article by Gretha