Depok – Sangkuriang is a phenomenal legend in the history of Sundanese literature. The legend of Sangkuriang was transformed into a modern musical script by renowned Indonesian writer, Titien Wattimena and Theater Director Maera Panigoro (Artswara Production, whose story was later re-adapted by the Uluwatu Orchestra, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) with a different touch, “Synergizing Technology and Arts The aim is to embrace the deaf so that they can enjoy the show in real time, and get carried away by the surging emotions of the players through an application that can generate 3D-gesture animations based on dialogue/songs that will be performed by the actors/singers.
The Sangkuriang Uluwatu Musical Film Show will be wrapped in contemporary musical nuances, a mix of modern music with classical music that will accompany tragedy-nuanced songs. This musical film was produced by Panca Hadi Putra, directed by Bagus A. Saputra. Starring talented actors/singers including Kay Lee Rudaina (S1 Ilkom ’21 Fasilkom UI), Aya Prakoso (Program Director, Fasilkom UI Staff and Art Activists), collaborating with guest actors from LSPR Communication and Business Institute (M.Raffi Ankelie), collaboration dancers (Binari Fasilkom UI and Mitra), Pradya Brahmaputra (Music Director), Rizky Indrayadi (Music Producer), Dio Nugroho (Audio Engineer), talented musicians from Fasilkom UI and other talented musicians from the Mahawaditra University of Indonesia (OSUI) Symphony Orchestra.
Uluwatu Orchestra Fasilkom UI collaborated with Dr. Ir. Erdefi Rakun, M.Sc., Lecturer and Researcher of Fasilkom UI as the creator of the “Translation Application for the SIBI Movement (Indonesian Signing System) to Indonesian text and from Indonesian text to 3D animation of the SIBI movement to work together to support the equality of the rights of the deaf in watching movies without having trouble, and can capture the message of the movie being watched. For the Uluwatu Orchestra, art is a creative process that is capable of side by side with the application of technology to advance human culture as well as make it prosperous. Technological discoveries have contributed to a new language system for art so that the development of art is not stuck. Through this year’s musical film, Uluwatu Orchestra hopes that deaf people will gain a place in society.