Jakarta – LSPR Jakarta Institute of Communication and Business, in implementing the Kampus Merdeka program, is collaborating with EKONID AHK (German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) for the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The collaboration was conducted in a form of a competition organised in the Public Relations Program and Evaluation subject for 5th semester students majoring in Public Relations. The competition was held for one semester and aimed to provide an opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience working with the industry, by producing communication program proposals to promote the Business Indonesia platform. The competition itself comprised 4 winning categories; The Best Communication Program Campaign, The Best Social Media Campaign, The Best Article and The Best Fun Fact article.

The participants
Approximately 25 groups of students under the guidance of team teaching Mrs. Sophia Bernadette, S.E., M.I. Kom, Mrs. Sylvia Ronnfeld, M.Si., Mrs. Yunita Permatasari, BA., M.Si., and Mrs. Sriati Rusmin, M.Si joined the competition and only 10 best proposals went to the final stage. This final stage involved the EKONID internal judges team and the assessment was carried out in three days, from 8th to 10th February 2022. Final assessment to decide the best out of the 3 finalists was conducted on 15th February 2022.

The participants
Attended by the The Head of Undergraduate Program, Dr. Sri Ulya, M.Si, Deputy Head of Undergraduate Program for PR & Digital Communications, Ms. Past Novel Larasty, MA., the lecturers for the courses, Mr. Jan Ronnfeld as Managing Director of EKONID and also the judges from EKONID, the competition was won by Lucrative PR Consultant (from PR 23-2 TP) as The Best Communication Program Campaign. The next winners are Tact PR Consultant (from PR 23-Excellent) as The Best Social Media Campaign, Group 1 PR 23-2TP for The Best Article, and Group 1 PR 23-1SP for The Best Fun Fact. While the rest of the finalists received certificates of appreciation from EKONID, the main winners were awarded with certificates, publications and the opportunity to participate in the Business Indonesia Digital Directory launch. The Business Indonesia Digital Directory (www.businessindonesia.org), a digital business directory platform, aims to be a forum to bring together governments, investors, business people, both local and foreign, who plan to invest in Indonesia or obtain capital for business development in Indonesia.