Jakarta – Indonesia commemorates National Education Day on 2 May every year. Various Education Activities held to celebrate that historical day. LSPR also participates in the celebration by holding an online activity led by LSPR Peduli Pendidikan. In Webinar format, the session was open for public in two days, with credible speakers who are experts in education.
Asep Kambali (Founder Historia Indonesia Community), Butet Manurung (Founder Sekolah Rimba, Hero of Asia, Man and Biosphere), Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc (Chairperson LLDIKTI Wilayah III), Irvan Jusuf (Board Advisor of Yayasan Pena Ilmu), Kristina Iin Dwiyanti (Headmaster of Alternatif untuk Anak Jalanan), Muhammad Hidayat (President of LSPR Peduli Pendidikan), were speakers in Day 1 (15 May 2020). The discussion and explanation about educational history, the problem, and the solution were discussed in more than 3 hours.

All Webinar Paticipants
On Day two (16 May 2020), the webinar divided into two sessions with the academician & practitioners speaker. Dr. Chrisdina Wempi (Head of London School Beyond Academy), Najeela Shihab (Founder of Sekolah Cikal), Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D (Vice Rektor III LSPR), Panji Aziz (Founder of Istana Belajar Anak Banten), Melvin Bonardo (Abang Jakarta Selatan 2017, LSPR Alumni), were speakers in first session. After that, Agung Juna (Content Creator, LSPR Alumni), Falentina Cotton (Miss South East Asia Tourism 2015, Alumni LSPR), Viola Andrea (Marketing and Manager Hotel Harris Puri Mansion, LSPR Alumni), Shafinaz Nachiar (Presenter RCTI, LSPR Alumni), Amel Sannie (None Jakarta Pusat 2019, LSPR Alumni), were speaker within two hours discussed about how to upgrading quality of education in dynamic and competitive.