JAKARTA – Friday, 27 May 2022 – The Department of Strategic Studies of the LSPR Student League has successfully held the third virtual Webinar on Social Political Thought (NGOPI SOSPOL) through the Zoom Meetings platform entitled “Potential of New Renewable Energy and Green Economy in Indonesia”. Invited Satya Hangga Yudha Widya Putra, BA (Hons), MSc as a resource person who explained about the Green Economy and how the transition to New Renewable Energy (EBT) can contribute to the country’s energy mix, and reduce the impact of global climate change. However, along with the increasing population of Indonesia, and the use of fossil energy in Indonesia is still very high, the energy sources needed will be even greater. Indonesia can no longer continue to depend on the energy it can consume. Therefore, the participants who attended were encouraged to play an important role in the utilization of alternative energy sources for the survival of the Indonesian people in the future. Besides that, in this event we also invited Yoseph Wahyu Kurniawan, M. I. Kom. as a moderator who provides an introduction to the themes and materials that will be raised in the webinar, and guides the participants in the question and answer session.