Jakarta – Departemen Pelatihan dan Pengembangan BEM LSPR has held a CV & Resume training activity entitled “Workshop: Make your CV & Resume based on your personality“. In accordance with the theme, this training is based on the MBTI type or participant’s personality which will later be useful for preparing participants to enter the world of work. MBTI is one instrument that can be used to find a suitable career for someone. Careers that usually match a person’s MBTI personality are usually careers or jobs that the person with the MBTI feels comfortable with. This activity was held on June 9, 2023 at the Rafael Jolongbayan Drama Room, LSPR Sudirman Park Campus, Jakarta. The purpose of holding this event is to train LSPR students on how to make a good CV & Resume. Participants were also taught how to make an ATS Friendly CV which is currently widely used by companies. Participants took part in a series of workshop events which were attended by 2 reliable speakers namely Dedy Dahlan and Ms. Prischa Nova, M.Psi. discusses materials about MBTI and how to make a CV & Resume. By carrying out training activities, we hope to increase knowledge and develop soft skills from LSPR students. Workshop activities: “Make your CV & Resume based on your personality” attended by 29 participants. At the end of the session, the participants were given the task of writing a CV for 25 minutes and submitting it to one Google Drive. This assignment was reviewed by 1 speaker, namely Ms. Prischa Nova, M.Psi. The three participants with the best CVs will receive an OVO prize of IDR 50,000 by the speaker. Prize winners:
- Helmalia Naiva
- Rigel Desyano
- Davidson Kasenda