Jakarta – In 2020, the Faculty of Business, the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business together with AGASI, the Center for Gastrodiplomacy Studies, the University of Jember and the Faculty of Tourism, UPH, have collaborated in compiling the BSAMDL guidebook which aims to enable Culinary MSME actors to learn and apply Clean, Healthy and Safe Eating patterns in their homes. Outside so that people can come back and enjoy culinary delights in restaurants or restaurants with a sense of security, cleanliness and health. Therefore, on June 4, 2021, the Faculty of Business & Community Service Institute, Institute of Communication and Business, LSPR together with KEMENPAREKRAF and Adi Gastronomy Indonesia (AGASI) held socialization with the theme Clean, Healthy, Safe Eating Out (BSAMDL) to food and beverage business actors in Indonesia. JABODETABEK area. This socialization will be held in 2 meetings with different participants where the first session will be held on Friday 4 June 2021 and the second session will be held on Friday 11 June 2021.

The Coordinator of Standards and Business Certification Kemenparekraf, Muklis, S.E as keynote speaker

The socialization which was carried out through this webinar was attended by the Coordinator of Standards and Business Certification of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Muklis, S.E as the Keynote Speaker. He explained about program from The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, they created a program called “C-H-S-E” namely Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, Environment. He explained that the decline in International Tourist Visitors experienced a drastic decline which had an impact on the loss of revenue receipts in the tourism sector and affected all aspects of the industry such as aspects of food and beverage turnover, travel and transportation service bureaus, hotels, and MICE where the Meeting , Incentives, Conference and Exhibition is one of the most powerful businesses in Indonesia. The concept of CHSE Certification is the process of granting certification to Tourism Businesses, Tourism Destinations, and other Tourism Products to provide guarantees to tourists for the implementation of (4K) Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability. In addition, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M was also present to give a speech. This event started at 13.30 WIB, with 1st speaker namely Jati Paras Ayu, MM.Par, Deputy Head of the Tourism Program and 2nd speaker namely Kenyo K.Kharisma, MITM, Lecturer at LSPR, and this event was hosted by Sachiko Nobuoka, Faculty Student LSPR Business. Participants in today’s event reached 35 people consisting of the LSPR academic community & Culinary MSME entrepreneurs in JABODETABEK.