Jakarta – Vesak is one of the major Buddhist holidays celebrated during the full moon or, in other words, Purnama Sidhi. The Vesak Day celebration is held to commemorate the Triple Gem of Vesak, which consists of three important moments in the life of Buddha: the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, the attainment of enlightenment (becoming a Buddha) by Siddhartha Gautama, and the passing away of Buddha Gautama. The purpose of this event for the Buddhist is to pay homage to the teachings of the Buddha Dharma and to engage in acts of kindness in daily life. In this celebration, KMB Pramudita has chosen the theme “Serenity and peace for all beings : Shine with the light of vesak” to convey the Buddha teachings on the importance of maintaining serenity and peace for all beings and to remember the Vesak events that can serve as a guiding light in our lives. The Vesak Puja ceremony took place on Saturday, June 17, 2023, from 13:50 to 16:00 WIB, located at Vihara Mudita Center in North Jakarta. The event was attended by internal members of KMB Pramudita LSPR, as well as external participants from KMB Dharmayana Untar, KMB Dhammamitta UBM, KMB IPB, KMB Dhammavaddhana BINUS, KMB Thiradharma Gunadarma, KMB Viriya Dharma Atma Jaya, and Alumni KMB Pramudita LSPR. We were honoured to invite Venerable Y.M Bhiksu Bhadra Pala Mahasthavira as a speaker. The event program for this Magha Puja began with an opening by the MC, remarks from the event PIC and President LSPR BEM 2022/2023, followed by the Puja procession, the lighting of multicoloured candles, the lighting of incense, worship service, Nian Fo and meditation, Dhammadesana, Yu Fo, closing remarks by the MC, and documentation.

The participant doing worship activities