Jakarta – Friday, May 28, 2021, KMB (Buddhist Student Family) Pramudita held a “Metta for Life” to celebrate Vesak Day 2565 BE. The theme “Metta for Life” is intended to explain the true meaning of love in Buddhism. The event was conducted via the Zoom platform from 4 pm and opened by Anggita Laurencia as the Event Chairman. Continued by President of KMB Pramudita, Graciella Novenia, President of LSPR Student League, Rio Alfando, and Vice-Rector III of LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D.

Anggita Laurencia as the Event Chairman

President of KMB Pramudita, Graciella Novenia

The event was continued with prayer by Bhikkhu Tejavaro Thera. It went peacefully. After the prayer, the event was continued with a talk show entitled “Love: Between Lust, Logic, or Wisdom” which was guided by Jessica as the moderator. The speakers in this talk show are Bhiksu Bhadra Pala, Bhikku Tejavaro, and Kurniawan, M.I.Kom. This topic is chosen because it relates to students’ life nowadays. The audience was very enthusiastic about participating in the talk show by asking questions to the speakers.

Prayer Session

Article by: Kelly