Jakarta There are many prejudices against children with autism, children who are considered retarded and do not have a bright future by the majority of our society. However, children living on the autism spectrum are not always considered that way, as said by the Project Coordinator from the MPATI Foundation and also a mother of a special child with autism, Mrs. Dian Yulia Kartikasari on IG Live “Life on the Autism Spectrum episode 2” Tuesday, 19 October 2021 on @radiate.2021 Instagram account.

Mrs. Dian emphasized, Parents are the main foundation in parenting and must settle not only financially, but also mentally, and with knowledge in dealing with children in the autism spectrum. There are many misconceptions in society such as children with special needs are a family disgrace, do not excel and have limited intellectual capacity and autism is also considered a disease that must be cured.

Based on the experience of the MPATI family, children with autism have a higher IQ than children in general, which is an advantage. But unfortunately, not all children with autistic disorders get the privilege of getting formal education to the fullest.

Moderator and the speaker

The role of the family and the environment is very important to encourage the potential of children with autism disorders to be more successful, because even with these disorders, children on the autism spectrum have the right to get equality in society and have the right to achieve their dreams.


Article by Mahira