Jakarta – Campus to Campus “Victus Campus League – Valorant Tournament” is a tournament organized by Liga Game and HP Indonesia. Before holding an inter-campus tournament, the Game League held a roadshow to hold an internal tournament on each campus. This internal tournament is only open to 8 teams (40 students) and this event will be held on 13 April 2023 offline at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & performance Hall, LSPR Sudirman Park at 10.00 – 16.30 and was attended by 35 students who took part in the competition, 6 LSG officers, several parties from the Game League, HP Indonesia and Brillio Net as well as several LSPR students who watched. This internal tournament was attended by 7 teams namely the LSG Belgravia team, LSG Victoria, SPONTAN, Mythic, Pokemon Supark, GULU GULU and TEJA and the match was won by the LSG Belgravia team (Muhammad Azmi Akmal Atqiya, Muhammad Dinar Airlangga, Alfianli, Garreth Noah, Muhamad Gustav Heryanto), they will represent LSPR at the Grand Final which will be held in June 2023 against other campuses and LSG Victoria (Mohammad Sulthan Rafi Mufti, Adelia Weebe Chandra, Tiffany T S, Adrian Carlo Senna, Kenneth Edria) as second place. This activity went well enough, from 08.00 to 10.00 all students who will compete re- register. At 10.00 the Victus Campus League event began with an opening from the MC which was followed by remarks from Muhammad Ichsanul Zahran as president of the LSG, David Simeon as head of the LSPR BEM and Mr. Aldy Inzaghi as student staff. After that the competition started smoothly and finished at 16.30.
