Jakarta – LSPG Christian held a Christmas Celebration with the theme “Always Rejoice: Be Ready For His Presence” on Sunday, December 20 2020 at 18.00 WIB to 19.30 WIB. This year’s Christmas celebration was done differently from the Christmas Celebration before. This event is the first Christmas Celebration held by LSPG Christian virtually. To make the event successful, LSPG Christian collaborates with LSPR TV to hold a Christmas Celebration which is broadcast live through the LSPR TV YouTube channel. During this pandemic, many people experience the ups and downs of life so that they often lose their joy. Entering the month of December when Christians welcome Christmas, it is often associated with joy and cheers. However, there are still many people who feel that celebrating Christmas in the midst of a pandemic will not be as festive and fun as previous years. Therefore, this year’s LSPG Christian Christmas Celebration carries the theme “Always Rejoice” which aims to joyfully welcome the coming of Jesus as the Savior of the world. Even in the midst of a storm and during a pandemic like this, LSPG Christian wants to encourage the fire of joy in our hearts to continue burning and will not dim, as written in Philippians 4: 4, always rejoice in God. The event which aims to commemorate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to the world is carried out in a universal manner and also aims to strengthen relationships between LSPG Christian members and staff and lecturers at IKB LSPR Communication & Business Institute which have been established and to maintain the atmosphere and the joy of Christmas even in the midst of the pandemic.
LSPG Christian Christmas Celebration “Always Rejoice” 2020 is divided into 2 parts, which is Internal Celebration and External Celebration. The internal celebration was attended by internal members of the Christian LSPG in a more intimate and friendly atmosphere. This internal event begins with an opening prayer and praise & worship led by Worship Leaders who are members of the Christian LSPG. The event was also continued with sermon by Ps. Forth Ronald Butarbutar SH, MTh, who delivered the Christmas message to be joyful, always according to the theme verse taken in this event. This internal Christmas celebration also includes games with prizes, namely Kahoot! with an OVO balance prize of Rp. 100,000 for the first winner, Rp. 75,000 for the second winner and Rp. 50,000 for third place. The event was closed with a prayer of blessing by Ps. Forth Ronald Butarbutar SH, MTh then ended with the LSPG Theme Song.

The team
Not only that, LSPG Christian Christmas Celebration “Always Rejoice” 2020 also held an External Celebration which was attended not only by LSPG Christian members but also by externals, one of them is Gajah Mada University (UKK UGM) Spiritual Unit in Yogyakarta. This External Christmas Celebration presents a more formal atmosphere which begins with the screening of an opening clip video and the delivery of remarks by the Head of Committee, namely Olivia Risa Ekaputri, President of the LSPG Christian Club, Garreth Noah and followed by remarks from Rio Alfando as President of the LSPR Student League, Mrs. Patricia Vicky Sihombing M.Si as Head of Student Activities and the opening prayer by Mrs. Cherie Indria Mawuntu, M.Ikom as the Club Coordinator. After that, there was a screening of a short movie video about the joy of Christmas that is played by the committee of Christian LSPG members. Furthermore, there are liturgical readings by Mrs. Greta Ariati Mulyosantoso, M.I.Kom and Mrs. Karina Indah Septiani, S.I.Kom. This event was continued with praise & worship and sermon by Pdt. Daniel Zacharias as Club Advisor from LSPG Christian. There is also a candle lighting event accompanied by the song Holy Night. This Christmas Celebration event was closed with the LSPG Christian Theme Song. Despite having experienced technical problems, the two parts of events continued to run smoothly. To this day, 434 viewers have watched the external Christmas Celebration broadcast on the LSPR TV YouTube channel.