Jakarta – LSPR 4C has held a workshop “Create & Craft: DIY Soap Bar”. This workshop was held on Thursday, 15 June 2021 at 14.00 – 16.15 WIB via Zoom. There are several series of events for this workshop: material delivery, soap making, and question and answer sessions. In this workshop, the participants were able to practice how to make their organic soap from home directly and were guided by the speaker, Mrs. Santi Novianti, co-founder of the Kertabumi Recycling Center. With this workshop, the audience is expected to increase their knowledge about environmentally friendly products that can be made by themselves and increase participants’ awareness about the importance of starting to reduce products that will increase plastic waste, and are less environmentally friendly. Participants of this workshop also get the opportunity to get door prizes recycled pouches by posting the results of soap that have been made to Instagram.

Mrs. Santi Novianti explained the advantages of using homemade organic soap.

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