Jakarta – LSPR English Club held a “Webinar with English Influencer” with the theme “Creative Way in Learning English”. This webinar was held at ZOOM Meetings, on Friday, August 13, 2021 from 06.00-08.00 pm. In this webinar, there are 2 sessions: The first session discusses How to Build Confidence in Conversation, we discuss how to build confidence in interacting with other people in our daily lives which was presented by the first speaker, Ilene Chelsea, a Influencers, and content creators on TikTok and Instagram. The second session discussed Personal Branding, especially how to build our branding through how we do presentations in front of people, and so on, and was presented by the second speaker, namely Khalisha Cantara Ramadhany, an Influencer, and an activist. After that, there is a question and answer session where the audience can ask the speaker their curiosity and share their opinion on the topic. This webinar opens registration for LSPR Students, it is also open to the public without registration fees. Students or participants must register via the Google Form Link which will be shared and they will receive more information about this webinar via email. This webinar aims to encourage participants to improve their knowledge of English language skills and can improve their abilities in various creative ways because they will be able to apply it in their lives, and also have the opportunity to interact and ask questions to speakers who are experts in the field.

Question and Answer Session with Khalisha as speaker

All participants