Jakarta – LSPR Photography holds an annual photography exhibition with the theme The Unconscious Soul which is held virtually. This exhibition consists of several series of events, ranging from photography competitions, photo exhibitions, to webinars. The Unconscious Soul virtual exhibition consists of three sub-themes, namely Toxic Relations, Economic Status, and Mental Issues. The exhibition lasts for three days, 25-27 June 2021, and can be accessed through the artstep.com platform free of charge. In this virtual exhibition, photographs by LSPR Photography and the winners of the competition are displayed.

The entrance of The Unconscious Soul Virtual Exhibition

Inside The Unconscious Soul Virtual Exhibition

One of the photos with the economic status theme on display
In addition to exhibitions, LSPR Photography holds a series of webinars with experts in their fields. The “Build-Up Your Feeling” webinar, which was held on Friday (25/06), was the opening webinar. Mrs. Marrysa Tunjung Sari, Human Interest Photographer was invited as a speaker. This webinar discusses the world of photography, especially related to Human Interest. Mrs. Marrysa shows photos of famous photographers in the past with the theme of Human Interest. She also showed her photos. “Photographers have the power to capture human moments,” wrote Mrs. Marrysa in her slide material. Human moments can be the power of a photo and make the photo interesting. On this occasion, she shares tips and tricks on Human Interest photos. Mrs. Marrysa also reminded that in photography ethics must be number one. “We have to think about whether our captions will build bad assumptions about the photos that we will display,” she said.

Mrs. Marrysa showed her photo work during a traditional event in Bali

Mr. Afdal explained the signs or characteristics of toxic relationship
The last webinar, as well as the closing of the virtual exhibition series The Unconscious Soul, will be held on Saturday, 27 June 2021. This webinar discusses the world of psychology, with the theme “Meliorating Self”. The speaker for this webinar is Mr. Afdaliza, M.Psi, a psychologist as well as an IKB LSPR Lecturer. Mr. Afdal presented material about toxic relationships. He explained the meaning of a toxic relationship, its signs or characteristics, the reasons a person chooses to stay in a toxic relationship, how to deal with and get out of a toxic relationship and how to help someone who is in a toxic relationship. Mr. Afdal said there were many cases where the person was not aware that he was in a toxic relationship. He said it is important to socialize a lot so that we can see things from various perspectives so that we can immediately realize if we are trapped in a toxic relationship.

Participants from first webinar

Participants from second webinar
Article by: Hani