Jakarta – On Thursday, 10 November 2020. The Business Faculty in collaboration with LSPR IRPO held an International Class “LSPR OMNI Program: World-Class Digital Business Management With Alibaba”. Omni Program is an online class session where LSPR brings in lecturers/speakers from the best international partners who are owned by LSPR to provide material in class which aims to make LSPR students get International-exposure and deeper knowledge regarding the given subject, In this OMNI Class, LSPR brings Alibaba as a partner institution. The LSPR OMNI Program: World-Class Digital Business Management With Alibaba is devoted only to business faculty students from the Management and Business-Services Study Program. The International Omni class with Alibaba was opened and moderated by Maulibian Perdana Putra, MBA. Participants who attended were more than 110 people, where 100% of the total audience were LSPR students from the Faculty of Business. This International Class then enters the core event, namely the presentation and presentation sessions by Mr. Zhou Yong, MBA. As Secretary-General of Alibaba Get Network and CEO of Kaplan China. Mr. Zhou presented material on C2B Business Mindset and Data Driven Business Innovation.

Mr. Zhou Yong presented his material

The material presented by Mr. Zhou is of high quality because it not only provides material and insignia from his knowledge and expertise but also explains Digital Business with Alibaba’s Way by providing real examples of how Alibaba is able to drive the development of Digital Business from around the world. Entering the second session, namely Q&A, the question and answer given by the audience from both LSPR students and lecturers to the speaker was conducive. The audience wants to know more about digital business and digital transformation through educational platforms. The presentation and knowledge delivered by Mr. Zhou in this online session was very inspiring because as we all know Alibaba, which is the origin of the speaker institution, is one of the core players in the digital business transformation that occurs on an international scale. Students get special privileges because they can directly get insights from Alibaba about business transformation and digitization.

The Participants