Jakarta – Tuesday, September 7, 2021, LSPR Peduli together with Merdeka Campus held a webinar series entitled “Earthquake and Flood Disaster Mitigation”. The speakers for this webinar are Dr. (Cand). A. Haris Achadi, S.H., DESS as deputy for manpower development and search and rescue potential, BASARNAS and Mr. Ridwan Yunus as Expert – BNPB. This event was hosted by Past Novel Larasaty, MA (LSPR Lecturer) and continued with opening remarks by Patricia Vicky Sihombing, M.Si as Head of the LSPR Peduli Humanitarian Project and Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Sc., MM as Dean of the Faculty of Communication Studies LSPR.

All participants of this webinar series
Mr. Ridwan Yunus as a speaker for this webinar had the opportunity to explain several things related to disaster risk management, ranging from definitions, components, basic concepts of disaster, to capacity and risk. He said “Capacity is the ability to reduce risk”. Mr. Ridwan Yunus also explained about Inarisk that can be used to determine disaster risk in our area and to find out the steps taken to reduce disaster risk. He suggested using the Inarisk application not only to protect yourself but also to help family and friends.

Mr. Ridwan Yunus explained about inarisk personal

Dr. Abdul Haris explained about how to reduce disaster risk
The webinar continued with material presentation by Dr. Abdul Haris. He explained about ways to reduce disasters, and the “Gold Time” or the time that a person might be able to survive after being hit by a disaster, which is 0-72 hours. However, it is likely that people can survive around 0-24 hours after being hit by a disaster. Dr. Abdul Haris also explained about Search and Rescue (SAR) and Urban Search and Rescue, the functions that are divided into Light, Medium, and Heavy teams, the synergy between the National Basis and Search and Rescue potential, and finally he explained about the core competencies of leadership.

LSPR gives a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Ridwan Yunus

LSPR gives a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Abdul Haris
At the last session of the event, there was the awarding of certificates of appreciation to the speakers and moderators. Then closed with the LSPR Band singing a song to end the webinar series #4 which is the last webinar series. The conclusion of this webinar is to invite participants to use the application described in order to reduce disaster risk.
Article by: Carie