Jakarta – Public Speaking Mentorship Program is a program held by the LSPR Public Speaking Club for the 2021/2022 period. Public Speaking Mentorship This program has 3 classes consisting of Speech and Debate which are intended for LSPR Public Speaking Club members who have registered for this mentorship program. With the theme “Finding Your Treasure” Public Speaking Mentorship Program, LSPR Public Speaking Club has a vision and mission so that its members are supported to get a place to gain experience and learn to hone their skills in public speaking with mentors who are experienced in their fields. By participating in this program, participants can increase their confidence by channelling the talents, skills, and passion of the participants in public speaking. In addition, they get the opportunity to take part in competitions to add achievements, and raise the good name of LSPR and LSPR Public Speaking Club. At the fifth meeting of the debate class, the mentor distributed several motions and participants could choose two motions to be reviewed together. “This House Regrets the narrative that hard work will lead to financial success” and “This House, as the US, would choose to allow polyandry”. The concept of dissection or cleavage of the motion is carried out by mind mapping directly by the mentor so that the participants can interact directly and well and can understand more clearly. Participants will be asked first whether they agree or disagree with the motion and then provide the basic arguments of each participant and then discuss it together. In this session, participants are expected to think more critically and accurately in splitting motions, participants must also be able to express their respective opinions so that they get strong and undeniable arguments, and understand the differences in arguments that have a main context and complementary arguments. This class was held with a ZOOM Meeting which was held from 19.00 to 20.30 WIB and was attended by Rafi Ananda, Vanessa, and Clarissa Elizabeth and Shinta Putri as mentors.