Jakarta – To support the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy, Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education has offered universities to implement the 2021 Indonesian Student Micro Credential (KMMI) program. Until now, the socialization process, the program offers to universities and the first stage of selection are in the form of administration and proposals as well as stage II selection namely interviews with prospective universities implementing the KMMI program have been carried out well. LSPR Institute is one of the universities that passed the second phase of selection and was funded to implement the KMMI program in 2021.

The KMMI program is a short course of learning that includes hard skills and soft skills. Involving Industry in determining courses in the KMMI program, universities must involve Industry whose implementation is not in the form of an internship program. The lesson plan for each meeting includes learning outcomes, teaching materials, methods and media, time, place, implementation and assessment mechanisms. The implementation of KMMI consists of theory, practice or independent assignments of at least 3 course credits. Learning is done online 3 hours x 8 weeks, practicum or independent assignments 3 hours x 8 weeks. The implementation of the final activity or assessment and assessment is determined by each KMMI organizer.