Jakarta – LSPR Communication & Business Institute represented by LSPR Rescue, collaborated with Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and LLDIKTI  3rd Region, organized a WEBINAR (08/05) entitled: “United Against Covid-19”. The handling of Covid-19 must be done together. Collaboration between the Government, Academics / Researchers, Society, Business Sector and Mass Media (Pentahelix Strategy) is needed to accelerate the breaking of the spread of Covid-19 chain.

This webinar presented speakers from various elements who were active in dealing with Covid-19, namely Mr. Egy Massadiah (Special Staff of the National Disaster Management Agency), Prof. Agus Setyo Budi, M.Sc (Head of LLDIKTI 3rd Region Jakarta), Dr. Ir. Eddy Aruman (LSPR Jakarta Lecturer and Senior Journalist), drg. Arief Rosyid (Director of Merial Institute & Co Founder of Kurir Kebaikan), and Andina Nabila Irvani, S.Sn (Young Entrepreneur and Covid-19 Volunteer). The event was moderated by Muhamad Hidayat, M.I.Kom (LSPR Jakarta Lecturer)

Mr. Egy stated that the Gugus Tugas cooperating with experts to formulate and implement service coordination in tackling the Covid-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, Dr. Eddy emphasised pentahelix of media role during this pandemic. Ms. Andina asserted the importance of public participation in helping the government tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. Furthermore, Prof. Agus elaborated the concept of finding a higher education solution in the midst of a pandemic, by monitoring, evaluating and synergising. LLDIKTI 3rd Region Jakarta complimented the innovations done by Private Higher Educational Institutions against this outbreak. The final presentation was shared by drg. Arief about contribution of the youth movement, and emphasised to obey government advice, to remind people to break the Covid-19 chain, to realise defend and love of Indonesia by moving together to deal with the plague.

Source by YouTube Channel – LSPR Jakarta


Student Club Activities are all  Online During Pandemic Covid 19

An Update from Vice Rector III,

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, P.hD


Source by YouTube Channel – LSPR Jakarta