Jakarta – On Saturday, January 29, 2022 the LSPR Communication Institute held an event entitled Hybrid Majoring Day Seminar “Sharing with Alumni” and this seminar was intended for Batch 25 Communication Department and Batch 2 for Visual Communication Design Department. This event is through the Zoom Meeting and Hybrid Platform which was held at The Amani Palladium Theatre, Campus Transpark Bekasi, LSPR Communication & Business Institute. Alumni who had the opportunity to be speakers at this session were Kevin Wijaya from Batch 13 who served as Lead Digital Country Manager at Grab and Takun Arrosid from Batch 11 who served as Founder of 17A Production Studio.

The award giving
This event began with a welcoming speech by Mikhael Y. Cobis as the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Studies, he explained about the faculties in LSPR and some of the study programs in it. Next, a video from Mrs. Dr. (HC). Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as CEO & Founder of the LSPR Communications Institute. Next, there was a Sharing Session with alumni, Kevin Wijaya and Takun Arrosid. In Kevin Wijaya’s Session he explained about his experience in working from various fields in an agency. At the Takun Arrosid Session, a video of his production in collaboration with several brands was shown. Followed by a Q&A session and ended with a group photo session.

The MC Ms. Gabriela
And the second session is a Hybrid Majoring Seminar for batch 25, on Friday, January 28th 2022, at The Amani Palladium Theatre, LSPR Transpark Campus, Bekasi. The hybrid majoring seminar, also invited the successed alumnies, as the speakers for batch 25 students to decide the proper concentration major. The purpose of the seminar was to introduce the detailed informations for batch 25 Communication Study Program and batch 2 Visual Design Communication Study Program, about the concentrates in each subjects.

5 concentrates in Communication Program
The seminar was opened by the MC, Ms. Gabriela, continued with the welcoming speech from Mr. Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Si, MM, also opening remarks from Mrs. Dr. (H.C) Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, and Mr. M. Alppy Valdez, MMC. The event was divided into 2 sessions, first session for Visual Design Communication Study Program in the morning, and the second session for Communication Study Program in the afternoon. Next the core subject explanation by Mrs. Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati for Communication Study Program, and Mr. Isdananto Oktianur, MA for Visual Design Communication Study Program. The Majoring Day attended by the successed alumnies, Alvin Tjondro, Ervin Julio, Kevin Wijaya, Sabrina Bawazier, Shafinaz Nachiar, Takun Arrosid, and Krisva Angniszca.

Opening remarks by Mrs. Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati
All the LSPR students in the first and the second semester got the compulsory subjects, including the 5 communication concentrate majors, as the introduction to the concentration major. The successed alumnies that attended the seminar as the speakers, really helped the batch 25 students to be open minded to choose their concentrate major, which will be decide their future. What ever the concentration major is, the purpose is to produce the competent students.

The success alumnies
Article by Gretha/Lahinah