Jakarta – Wednesday, 13 August 2020, LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Jakarta held its first Virtual MOU Signing with Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia as its new university partner. The MOU signing was attended by Dr. Hari – APU Vice-Chancellor, Ms. Nurul Syakirin as APU Manager for Customer Relations & International Office and Mr. Thomas Tanama the coordinator of  International Office from Asia Pacific University,  Dr. Andre Ikhsano as Rector of LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Jakarta and Ms Candy Hernandez as the Director of International and Relations Office.

Virtual MOU Signing with Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia as its new university partner

“We are truly grateful for this opportunity even in the midst of this crisis. We just have to take positively every opportunity and challenge where every educational institution in the world faces together. Higher education and Universities have developed new “pathways” for learning and we’ve seen remarkable collaboration amongst partners, within the universities and across many boundaries. COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for universities to learn together to change.” stated by Ms. Candy Hernandez in her opening remarks.

Photo session for the inauguration

Dr. Hari the Vice-Chancellor of Asia Pacific University also stated, “This is a great opportunity to expand Internationalization and to embrace the students and faculty member’s diversity. This MOU is also a small step to start the new collaboration with each faculty, Communication and Business.”Followed by signing the MOU online from both parties, LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Jakarta and  Asia Pacific University, Malaysia are now ready to start the series of international collaborations.