Jakarta – LSPR Communication & Business Institute in collaboration with Global Educational Supplies & Solutions (GESS) Indonesia held a webinar (4/11), with the theme Online Learning Transformation for the Lecturers, Students and Campus Management. This webinar presents Speaker Mrs. Dewi Rachmawati as Head of Incubation & Start Up Business Center LSPR Communication & Business Institute, and Mrs. Vanny Andriani as Head of Student Service Department of LSPR Communication & Business Institute.

Mrs. Dewi Rachmawati and Mrs. Vanny Andriani as speakers
In the opening presentation, Mrs. Dewi stated that this year’s pandemic requires all activities to adapt to the digital era, including learning activities. In the field of education, all elements must adapt from students, lecturers, staff, management to parents. All of these elements must collaborate so that online learning activities can be achieved. He added some differences between traditional and digital teaching. “For the traditional, it is usually more time consuming to come to school / campus, requires a large space, costs more and lecturers are more active. Meanwhile, teaching with a digital system can save time, have wide coverage, be effective, cost more efficiently and make students more active, ”he said.
However, she admitted that there were several challenges in teaching traditionally and digitally. Difficult to control, higher costs, requiring more staff, difficulty in reducing production costs and the appearance of lecturers that must be perfect, are some of the challenges encountered in traditional teaching systems. Meanwhile, digitally, she said, “the challenge is inadequate infrastructure, unequal internet connection, especially in rural areas, creating interactive classes, student behavior, student awareness and discipline, and differences in how to assess student quality”. The key is that active, creative and interactive lecturers are needed to reach competent students.
The next session was delivered by Mrs. Vanny, who explained that before the pandemic, Indonesia was ready to carry out learning activities online. This is evidenced by the survey in January 2020, Indonesia is in the 8th place where people use the internet quite high. The average Indonesian person consumes the internet 7 hours / day. “LSPR has also conducted online learning in 2019 and has an e-learning program since 2017. LSPR itself has a platform on the onlinesession.lspr.edu web page, where students can interact with lecturers and can see such as attendance and grades directly” , she said. Even with the online system, LSPR students are required to actively participate in lecture activities. However, this system still has obstacles. “Limited interaction, lecturers cannot control and lack of face to face”, she concluded.