Jakarta – Thursday, August 12, 2021, “Pelatihan Luaran Publikasi Hasil Kegiatan Pengabdian Dalam Bentuk Buku dan Buku Panduan Praktis” was held, which was started at 14.00, opened by the MC, Ms. Nayla and followed by remarks by the Vice Rector 1, Dr. Janette Pinariya. Then, the event was handed over to the Moderator from, Head of LSPR Publication Department, Ms. Xenia Angelica, M.Si to start the presentation of the material.
Prof. Ir. Teddy Mantoro presented about how to write PKM Journal Articles
The first material was delivered by Prof. Ir. Teddy Mantoro, Ph.D., SMIEE (Professor of Sampoerna University), he presented about how to write PKM Journal Articles. Prof. Ir. Teddy also explained that the research must choose 2 important aspects, namely the area and the idea. By choosing a research area in each field or the Body of Knowledge (BOK) of each field. Then Idea, by finding Strong Problems and Strong Solution. By looking directly at what is happening in the field or by studying literature.
The second material was delivered by Ms. Hj. Laili Rahwayuti, M.Kes., M.Sc., Ph.D (Manager of Research, PPM and Innovation at the University of Padjadjaran) who brought material on ““Pelatihan Pembuatan Buku Hasil Pengabdian pada Masyarakat”. Explain about the types, methods and tips for writing and making books resulting from community service. Mrs. Laili also conveyed 3 requirements for writing a book, namely passion, material to be written and language skills (listening, reading, digesting writing and writing).
Mr. Zainudin presented about digital literacy in a practical guide book
The last material on “Hilirisasi PkM (Literasi Digital) dalam Buku Panduan Praktis” was delivered by Zainudin Muda Z. Monggilo, S.IKom., M.A. as Lecturer of Communication Studies UGM. Resource persons provide material about guidelines for writing Digital Literacy Books. In addition, the resource persons also provided several examples of guidelines and modules from year to year. After the presentation of the material, it was followed by a question and answer session from the participants to the speakers.
Dr. Lestari Nurhajati gave sertificate to Ms. Laily Rahayuwati
Awarding of certificate to Moderator, Head of Publication Department of LSPR, Xenia Angelica, M.S
The event “Pelatihan Luaran Publikasi Hasil Kegiatan Pengabdian Dalam Bentuk Buku dan Buku Panduan Praktis” ended with the giving of placards to the two resource persons and the moderator by Dr. Lestari Nurhajati.
Article by: Vanessa