Jakarta – The Department of Performing Arts Communication (PAC) held the 4th POTATO (Performing Arts To You and Yours) webinar series, with the theme “Music Industry 101”. Business Manager of Micah Angelo & Nikita Dompas, namely Michella Pemba, is invited in this Webinar, to share her experience, tips and tricks in the Music Industry with all participants.

Business Manager of Micah Angelo & Nikita Dompas, namely Michella Pemba

The Webinar was held on Wednesday, 10 June 2020, from 16:00 to 17:30, attended by more than 130 participants including LSPR students from various majors, LSPR future students, and lecturers and management of the LSPR Communication and Business Institute. Ms. Greta, as the moderator, provided an opportunity for the participants to interact directly with Michella Pemba, so this webinar was very interactive. The participants gained a lot of knowledge especially in the field of music industry management.

All webinar participants

The next POTATO volume will invite a singer who has wide experience in the music industry and one of the LSPR alumni, from Performing Arts Communication major, Batch 19 to be the speakers. Don’t miss POTATO Vol. 5. Register yourself and see you Potters!