Jakarta – LSPR Communication & Business Institute was successfully selected to get research grants from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia from dozens of proposals submitted to the Ministry of Religion’s Research and Development and Training Agency from 34 Provinces. Dr. Rino F Boer together with Dr. Niken Febrina researched the website of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is because the website is a form of electronic government which acts as a new medium for organizations, especially the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia as well as a communication medium that represents the organization. The characteristics of a website that can link various pages on the internet bring new forms of communication in the form of digital convergence, hybridization, remediation, and intertextuality. Also, the website adds a new form of communication media like this and the power that the media possesses allows for mediation. Namely the media can carry out the process of conciliation, intervention and negotiation between separate groups.

Dr. Niken Febrina as a researcher directly signed the grant funding contract on Thursday, March 18, 2021 after receiving direct direction from the Research and Development Agency and Education and Training Ministry of Religion. Hopefully, this will be the first step in the many studies that will be carried out by researchers from the LSPR Communication & Business Institute who get appreciation from various agencies. Also, these research studies can run smoothly and be beneficial to society.