Jakarta – LSPR students from class 22-4SP held a webinar Self Care is Not Selfish collaborated with a local natural skincare brand, Klei & Clay, on Friday, June 18, 2021. The webinar, which was held via the zoom platform, aims to increase public awareness about mental health issues and the importance of self-care. The webinar was moderated by Denise Ferinda, LSPR student and also invited Frisca Melissa, M.Psi, Psychologist – Clinical Psychologist and Divanda Gitadesiani – Founder of Klei & Clay as speakers.
The webinar started with the presentation of material about Self Care by Ms. Frisca. Self-Care is a form of self-respect for 3 aspects, namely physical, mental or psychological and spiritual. She said that self-care cannot appear by itself, but must be built and made a habit. Ms. Frisca emphasized that self-care is different from being selfish. Self-care means putting ourselves first without interfering with the interests of others. She also explained further about the difference between self-care and selfish attitudes, as well as various examples of self-care practices physically, psychologically and spiritually.
The webinar continued by a sharing session with Ms. Diva as Founder of Klei & Clay. Ms. Diva shared stories about the beginning until she finally decided to create her brand. Klei & Clay is a local natural skincare brand that cares about mental health. She said that it is important to provide special time for self-care in between the busy work, because it will have a good impact on our mental health to reduce stress.
Followed by a questions and answers session, the webinar participants were enthusiastic to ask the two speakers. There are many questions about how we can love ourselves. Start by improving our mindset, that each person is created differently with their own strengths and weaknesses. We must know ourselves, know what our strengths and weaknesses are, and accept what is within us. The webinar ends with a group photo session.
Article by: Hani