Jakarta – The Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Business, LSPR Communication & Business Institute (LSPR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia held a Studium Generale through online media (webinars) on Thursday, 18 March 2021. The topic raised was “New Direction & Strategies for The Recovery of Indonesian Tourism ”with the main speaker Ir. Rizki Handayani Mustafa, MBTM as Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizer. Also, the Minister of Tourism & Creative Economy, Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A also attended personally and gave a speech with the Chancellor of LSPR Communication & Business Institute, Dr. Andre Ikhsano, M.Si, and Dean of the Faculty of Business Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M. This event starts at 14.00 WIB, guided by Jati Paras Ayu., M.M.Par, Deputy Head of the LSPR Tourism Study Program and moderated by Vitha Octavanny, MM.Par, Lecturer of the LSPR Tourism Study Program (Prodi). Participants of this webinar reached 300 people, both from LSPR academics & other institutions/universities, entrepreneurs, government employees, and the general public.

The Participants
Yuliana said that the LSPR Business Faculty Tourism Study Program held this Studium Generale to provide an overview of the academic community & the wider community about the steps taken, innovations that have been made, and human resource development in Indonesia. “This is done to maximize the potential of domestic tourism in the recovery stage in the New Normal era, and to discuss opportunities for the post-Pandemic tourism industry,” he said. The Covid-19 vaccine, which began to be distributed around the world in early 2021, is hope for accelerating the recovery of the global tourism industry. Tourism development strategies have been prepared by various countries to anticipate changes that have occurred in this industry after the Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia, through the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy, has certainly prepared a strategy for the development & recovery of the Indonesian Tourism industry.
In his remarks, Sandiaga appreciated the steps of the LSPR Tourism Study Program to move together to carry out educational activities in the context of restoring Indonesian tourism. He said, “tourism & the creative economy is one of the most strategic sectors to open employment opportunities widely, so it can be said that this sector is directly related to the lives of many people. This sector will also be prepared for the empowerment of future generations of Indonesian human resources. However, the pandemic has now made this sector worse, especially due to regional restrictions which have resulted in a reduction in the number of foreign tourists to Indonesia ”. For this reason, the Ministry of Tourism is preparing steps to reopen Indonesian tourism to the international community in June or July 2021. In the creative economy sector, Sandiaga invites people to be proud to use local products.
He also explained that in the past 10 years, Indonesia will become a favorite domestic & international destination in Southeast Asia. For the first step, 2021 as the year of recovery, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy introduced 3G: Gercep, fast motion; Gerak Bersama, namely the Ministry of Tourism must embrace educational institutions, society & media to jointly achieve progress in National Tourism; the last one is Gaspol, which means that the Ministry of Tourism will work on all the potential to get up and recover after the Pandemic. Currently, an opportunity that can be exploited from this pandemic in the tourism sector is mass tourism which is transformed into sustainable tourism. Tourism will pay more attention to the balance between the environment and its economic benefits. “The tourism trend of ‘sea, sun, and sand’ is changing for the better to become ‘sustainability, serenity, and spirituality. Apart from being more balanced, future tourism trends will be more personalize, customize, localize, and smaller in size. It is suggested that tourism connoisseurs, interests, and learners can become entrepreneurs in the field of tourism that are modern but still based on local wisdom, “Sandiaga said in his remarks.

Rizki Handayani Mustafa explained about Quick Win 2021
Meanwhile, as the main speaker in this webinar, Rizki conveyed the impact of the pandemic on the Indonesian Tourism & Economy sector which is currently worsening, from many businesses that have closed to events and activities that have been postponed until the situation improves. However, Kemenparekraf wants the public to be optimistic about welcoming the triumph of the tourism sector. “This pandemic will change habits and trends in traveling, such as stricter health protocols, and people who prefer to be domestic tourists,” he said.
The Ministry of Tourism as a Government Institution has also taken anticipatory steps related to these two changing trends by: Adapting to current conditions & new habits; Innovating to achieve maximum potential; And collaborating with various parties, especially the Parekraf ecosystem and the community to create the widest possible job opportunities. In this case, Rizki invites LSPR as a joint educational institution to collaborate in forming narratives to arouse public empathy through positive content about traveling in the country by maintaining health protocols. This is expected to help the community & MSMEs engaged in tourism. “For the creative economy sector, we invite the public to participate in the proud national movement made in Indonesia,” he concluded.