Jakarta – On Saturday, January 22, 2022 Class 23 MKT-M1TP held a Talk Show entitled Suar Kain Nusantara #TemukanSuarBatikLoe through the online platform Zoom Meeting and Offline through the Jakarta Textile Museum. This event was held in two (2) sessions, in Session 1 themed the Angok Talk Show at 09.00 A.M – 10.30 A.M. Session 1 presented guest stars Creative director Swara Gembira Muhammad Khoirun Nashar, Founder of Rasa Wastra Indonesia Monique Hardjoko, and Co-Founder and CEO of Tanam Grow Media Muhammad Barly.
Beginning with remarks by Mrs. Dr. (HC). Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, and followed by a speech by the Chair of the Suar Kain Nusantara Committee from class 23MKT – M1TP Adinia Bunga. This event is an event from students of the Department of LSPR Managing Event. It was followed by the screening of the Suar Kain Nusantara Documentary Video with the Jakarta Textile Museum. Furthermore, Muhammad Khoirun Nashar as Creative Director of Swara Gembira explained about how the preservation of batik has become extinct or several batik motifs have become extinct due to the lack of preservation by today’s youth or society.
Furthermore, the Founder of Rasa Wastra Indonesia, Monique Hardjoko, explained about Rasa Wastra Nusantara and explained several programs in Rasa Wastra Indonesia that involve young people, ‘Young People Create with Wastra’, followed by Co-Founder and CEO of Tanam Grow Media, Muhammad Barly, who explained about art and design regarding batik.
Followed by a sharing session or Q&A and a performance from the LSPR Band. Next is Tips n Trick / Mix & Match batik cloth in the Styling session by Monique Hardjoko with LSPR Modeling. It ended with the giving of placards to the speakers who were present at this event and the screening of the Suara Pelita Film Teaser which will be shown at Cinepolis Plaza Semanggi.
The event continued with the second and also the last activity from Suar Kain Nusantara, Lenggak Suar, which was held in Studio 3, Cinepolis, Plaza Semanggi, South Jakarta. “Lenggak Suar” had a philosophy to be more proud to wear local fabric in the Z generation daily lifestyle.
The event was held at 18.30 until 20.00 WIB, proudly present a short movie created by the committee, “SUARA PELITA”, story about Alya as the main role, looking for suar in every Indonesian local fabric in order to love the legacy of the nation’s culture with all of her heart. Unexpectedly, in the searching process, she was brought closer to other things in her life.
Not only the premiere of “SUARA PELITA”, there were also a sweet performance from Mariani Oelong, the committee’s flashmob video, and the nomination of “Best Costume” for 3 winners with interesting costumes. The winners got cash from Rp 250.000, Rp 350.000, and Rp 500.000.
Article by Lahinah/Gretha