Jakarta – On Monday, August 9 2021, at 14.00-16.00 PM, IR Showcase Terbitlah Terang held a webinar entitled Payung Puan Berteduh which was held at a Zoom meeting with Maria Deyma Deatara, S.Ikom, MA as the moderator of the webinar. The webinar was opened with remarks from Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, as Founder and CEO of the Communication & Business Institute LSPR which was then followed by remarks from Fayad, as Event Manager of the webinar Terbitlah Terang.

Moderator with all speakers of Payung Puan Berteduh Webinar
The first material was filled in by Mr. Willy Aditya, S.Fil., M.D.D. As a member of the DPR RI. Mr. Willy admitted that he supported the abolition of the RUU-PKS because he wanted to elevate the status and dignity of women and provide protection for victims of sexual violence. Mr. Willy also hopes that the law can be passed as soon as possible. Then the second material was from Ms. Zukhrufah DA, who is the founder of the Sufi Women community which was founded in 2020. According to Ms. DA, cases of sexual harassment and violence often occur in the personal or household sphere. Perpetrators must also maintain an attitude, everyone must be aware to control their thoughts.
And the last material was filled by Mr. Arif Susanto, M.Sc. as an LSPR lecturer. According to Pak Arif, the abolition of the law on sexual violence is very important because it serves as protection and recovery for helpless victims. According to him, the things that trigger the occurrence of violence are power relations, poor law enforcement, lack of knowledge, an environment that doesn’t care, poor social skills. Meanwhile, the obstacles to the ratification of the RUU-PKS are because it is seen as not providing political benefits, ideological differences, this issue has become a boomerang for the perpetrators, and lack of awareness.
At the end of the event, there was a question and answer session by the three speakers. The speaker answered several questions selected from the participants and finally the event was closed by the moderator at the end of the event.
Article by: Aninda