Jakarta – Faculty of Business LSPR Communication and Business Institute & LSPR Centre for Entrepreneurship with PPM School of Management held a MoU Signing and webinars entitled “The Era of Collaboration: Learning Business with LSPR & PPM School of Management”. This is one form of manifestation of the Tridharma of Higher Education which is the foundation for every educational institution.

This webinar and MoU Signing are the realizations of the desire of LSPR and PPM to produce entrepreneurial students who have sustainable, creative business models, and solutions to problems in society. This collaboration is also a manifestation and form of support for LSPR and PPM for the Merdeka Campus program. Not a few participants attended the signing and also this webinar.

Vitha Octavanny, LSPR Lecturer as speaker

The MoU was signed by the Dean of Faculty of Business LSPR, Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, MM and Head of the PPM School of Management, Prof. Bramantyo Djohanputro, MBA, Ph.D ,. QIA. After the signing was completed, the event continued with a Webinar “The Era of Collaboration: Learning Business with LSPR & PPM SoM”, with the first topic entitled Service Quality and Hospitality for Business delivered by Vitha Octavanny, MM., Par. as a Lecturer from LSPR. The webinar continued with a topic entitled Technology That Changes Our Relationship with Money presented by Aries Heru Prasetyo, S.E., M.M., Ph.D., CER, CAC, CRMP as Lecturers from PPM.

Aries Heru Prasetyo explained about Technology and Our Relationship  with Money

Yuliana said, “the collaboration between the LSPR Business Faculty and PPM School of Management consists of two things, namely cooperation in incubation programs and cooperation related to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Education, Research and Community Service). Currently, it is an era of collaboration in the world of education, where universities work together to complement each other according to the excellence of each campus which aims to build superior Indonesian human resources. This is in line with the policy of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka program. “

Quoting a message from the president, Yuliana also said that on the National Education Day on May 2, 2021, President Joko Widodo stated that education must free the people. This message is interpreted as saying that education cannot be divided, education is not exclusive but inclusive. “The collaboration between LSPR and PPM is an example for collaborative education, complementing student competencies to produce superior human resources for a better Indonesia, an advanced Indonesia,” he continued.

Prof. Bramantyo Djohanputro, MBA, Ph.D, Head of the PPM School of Management

Prof. Bramantyo conveyed, “in this collaboration era, we want every learning to liberate, with collaboration students can get the best possible preparation for the future. We want to contribute to each other’s advantages and differentiation. The focus is not on competition, we want to race together, to strengthen each other so that the sustainability of each institution is increasingly at the forefront together for economic recovery and educational advancement. “