Bekasi – The Communication Studies Study Program together with LP3M LSPR Communication and Business Institute held a webinar entitled Village Literacy LSPR on Thursday, July 29, 2021. The Village Literacy LSPR Webinar invited all lecturers and students of Communication and Business Institute LSPR and the people of Muara Gembong District to discuss digital-based village organizational communication training for Muara Gembong. The event was opened with remarks from Mr. Rudi Sukadar, Director of LP3M LSPR who told about the business cooperation between LSPR and Muara Gembong District about village organizational communication training.
Furthermore, Mr. Nurul Hadi IKH as the Coordinator of Village Development and Village SDGs Acceleration, delivered his speech. Mr. Nurul explained that there are four pillars of digital literacy, namely Digital Skills, Digital Ethics, Digital Culture and Digital Security. Village digitization is very important for villagers in finding work, sending messages, government services and administrative systems as well as for public services.

Mr. Wahyudi Anggoro Hadi as speaker
The webinar continued with the session with Mr. Wahyudi Anggoro Hadi, Head of Panggungharjo Bantu Village, Yogyakarta. He had made environmental management in 2003 where he helped the surrounding environment and created the Tamanu Oil Production Unit. He also shared his experience in Village digitization for the COVID-19 response stage in Villages hit by the Covid-19 virus, by only using cellphones to help the needs of the Village community. “There are more than 900 people who are actively using digital and helping to deal with COVID-19.” he said.

Dr. Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi as speaker
The next session by Dr. Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, LSPR Lecturer as well as Professional Trainer & Senior Researcher at Luximore Employer Branding. She explained about vertical communication between communication to subordinates and communication to superiors from different directions. Vertical communication is very important for every different villager so it needs to be communicated. According to Dr. Gracia, vertical communication or lateral communication is very important for the organization. Likewise, external communication to every citizen, organization and public using different media. She also explained about the function of organizational communication with four pillars. Many people use mobile phones, the internet and social media in Indonesia, because there are many people who use these things and of course because of the communication process. She also mentioned that the messages we send must be positive not negative as a form of using gadgets properly.
Article by: Michael