Jakarta – LSPR Performing Arts Communication proudly present “Kobar PAC”, an event where the new students from batch 25, could ask detail things about Performing Arts Communication (PAC) subject. It is related to the upcoming project, where students were asked to make theatre performances, which will be performed in PAC Theatre Festival.

Event started with opening remarks by Ms. Greta Ariati Mulyosantoso, M.I.Kom, as subject coordinator Introduction to PAC. Yesterday’s event was hosted by Deswina Galuh Widorini and Jechosa Putrajaya Yosef.

Opening remarks by Ms. Greta Ariati

There are some interesting questions from the audience. One of them is about how to be a good production manager. This question was answered by Aryastya Nararya, became a good production manager wasn’t about the class’s member, but it was about ourselves. Why? Because we have to know ourselves first, what do we capable of, or are we ready to hold responsibilities and be responsible, not only for good image on posters.

The speakers and the hosts

Next question is about how hard it is to be a script writer. Interesting and unforgettable memories from Devicha Pradinda answered this. In that time she was the theatre’s script writer also director. It was almost the recording day, unfortunately her main cast was confirmed positive to covid-19, and she had to change the whole script in just a week, with only once until twice practice.

The speakers ad the hosts

In running theatre project from Introduction to PAC, of course it wouldn’t be easy, and and of course will not avoid conflicts and problems. But every problems could be solved by building a good communication and team work. Also to do the job that have been distributed properly and full of responsibility.


Article by Gretha