Jakarta – Everyone agreed that Eid Mubarak this year is the first of its kind experience that we all have in our lifetime. For those who obeyed the direction of the government, the Eid Al-Fitr prayer which was originally carried out in massive numbers at the open field, now it must be conducted at home with closed family members. The culture of visiting from one house to another, is replaced by communicating through online media or virtual gaze.

LSPR Communication & Business Institute family also shares the joy of Eid Mubarak in a new way using new media, by monitoring the social media, it appears that several LSPR lecturers and management shared a friendly and virtual atmosphere celebration. “Real sungkem and virtual sungkem to the beloved parents,” said Mrs. Elke Alexandrina in her Instagram post. Two photo layers, one of which depicts a moment of friendship with virtual greetings through online media. This year’s Eid Celebration illustrates a new normal during the pandemic.