Jakarta – On Friday, 12 June 2020, T & D held Inhouse training “How to Start Culinary Business” for LSPR Lecturers & Staff moderated by Ms. Grace Wattimena.. Dr. Lestari Nurhajati as Vice Rector IV opened the webinar, and shared about the Planning of LSPR Plaza.

Dr. Lestari Nurhajati as Vice Rector IV

The Central of Innovation & Business in Communication with High Technology. A Start up Business with internet based, build a spin off, a business model from the expertise from LSPR Lecturers. Permen Ristek Dikti no. 24 Tahun 2019, stated that a College has an important role to increase the innovation & business development in Indonesia.

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D explained the tips and tricks and the steps to start culinary business. The culinary business should have a good quality in product, do innovation, build good relationships with the customers, have a good after sales service, and don’t give up. As Institute Communication & Business, LSPR will not only focus on education, but also can embrace the entrepreneurs from the students, lecturer, staff, and their family.