Jakarta – On Friday, 12 June 2020, T & D held Inhouse training “How to Start Culinary Business” for LSPR Lecturers & Staff moderated by Ms. Grace Wattimena.. Dr. Lestari Nurhajati as Vice Rector IV opened the webinar, and shared about the Planning of LSPR Plaza.
The Central of Innovation & Business in Communication with High Technology. A Start up Business with internet based, build a spin off, a business model from the expertise from LSPR Lecturers. Permen Ristek Dikti no. 24 Tahun 2019, stated that a College has an important role to increase the innovation & business development in Indonesia.
Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D explained the tips and tricks and the steps to start culinary business. The culinary business should have a good quality in product, do innovation, build good relationships with the customers, have a good after sales service, and don’t give up. As Institute Communication & Business, LSPR will not only focus on education, but also can embrace the entrepreneurs from the students, lecturer, staff, and their family.