Jakarta – Prilly Latuconsina got the trust again to share her experiences in communication. This time in a webinar entitled “Why Communication and Public Relations?” which was held on Monday, August 30th. Prilly also just graduated as bachelor of communication from LSPR, bringing home cum laude predicate. Event was opened with keynote speech by Mr. Usman Kansong, S.Sos, M.Si (Director General of IKP Kominfo) and inspiring speech by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR (Founder & CEO LSPR Communication and Business Institute). Guided by Mr. Firsan Nova as the moderator, Mr. Nico Wattimena and Mr. Firdza Radiany as host.

Mr. Usman Kansong, S.Sos, M.Si gave keynote speech
Why communication and public relations? Everyone needs to communicate to build relations with each other. Even those who cannot speak well, use signs to communicate. Besides communication, people also have to build a good and positive image. To build that personal branding, public relations is needed.

Prilly presented her material about public relations
Communication and public relations are also a long-term games and needed in the future, even when the technology keeps growing fast. By learning communication and public relations, we are able to be more motivated and creative. With good communication skills, we could have a strong self-confidence, because we are able to be in any situation. Learning communication also will affect our way of thinking to be more critical.

QnA session with participants
As for Prilly herself, learning communication helps her career. As an influencer, business woman, or actress. Because she has good communication skills, Prilly is also more trusted to be an ambassador or speaker. Also, she could improve relations with others. In her business life for example, Prilly could put herself in the right position, even when she worked with her seniors.
Article by: Gretha