Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as the founder of LSCAA (London School Centre for Autism Awareness) and Emilya Setyaningtyas (Corporate Reputation Department LSPR) visited CVASA (Coachella Valley Autism Society), Palm Springs on Tuesday, November 14 2017.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR got information about CVASA activites and programme
More than 3.5 millions Americans live with an autism spectrum disorders. 35% of young adults (19-23 yo) with autism does not have a job or received a Bachelor Degree education after finishing high school.(Buescher et al, 2014). In June 2014, only 19.3% of people with disabilities in the US were participating in the labor force – working or seeking work. 12.9% were unemployed, meaning only 16.8% of population with disabilities was employed (Bureau of Labor Statisctic,2014)

One of the corner in CVASA
This facts and statistics are the main reason CVASA offer the following programs to socialize autism awareness in Coachella Valley. These programs are:
- Monthly parents support goup meeting
- Latino Coffee Night
- Resource Library
- Information packet – medical and therapeutic from national resources
- Social Receation programs – recreational activities for individuals and children with autism, Such as friendship lego club, kids fit club, group music therapy, hands on art programs, teen geoup, young adult group
- Special Events – bowling night, halloween carnival, holiday party, family picnics, Annual autism walk
- Workshops for families and educators dealing with autism

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR get information facilities of CVASA
The purpose of the visit is to see the facilities, to gain more information about what CVASA have and share the LSCAA program to CVASA. So both of us can combine our programs to socialize autism awareness and autism acceptance around the world.