Jakarta, December 22, 2017 – In order to commemorate mother’s day, the Woman of Top Special with Prita Kemal Gani with the theme “Empowering Woman Through Leadership” was presented at Graha Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina. This event was over collaboration between London School of Public Relations-Jakarta and MRA Broadcast Media Division and in collaboration with the Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina.

Woman on Top with Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, Dr. dr. Christiana Linda Wahjuni, SpOT, M. Kes, FICS, CCD (Orthopedic Specialist) and Dr. Endah Ronawulan, SP. KJ (Physchiatric Specialist) shared their experience to the audience.
“A mother has an important role in the development of character and mental of a child. Home is the first environment of the childr and interacts with the mother as the person closest to him and her. In the process, the child tends to duplicate what is seen and is also felt around her. A mother who is educated with good manners, certainly can educate his child as well. ” Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as the Founder and Director of the LSPR-Jakarta.

Performances from Gerardo Tanor and Vicky Patricia Sihombing (LSPR Choir)
Woman on Top Special with Prita Kemal Gani Special presented two specialist women named with all their experience, Dr. dr. Christiana Linda Wahjuni, SpOT, M. Kes, FICS, CCD which is a Special Orthopedi, and Dr. Endah Ronawulan, SP. KJ which is a physciatric Specialist. And this event was hosted by Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR (Founder & Director LSPR – Jakarta) and Rosemary Fika (Program Director of Radio Brava).

Participants got chance to asked a question
Participants of the Woman on Top Special present not only to listen to the success story of Dr. Linda and Dr. Endah, but able to interact directly with the speaker. The trace record both speakers very spacious and boast, as does Dr. Linda is the recipient of an award from MURI as Indonesia’s first female doctor of Specialist Orthopedi & Traumatology. While Dr. Endah ever become part of the team psychiatrist who helps restore victims of tsunami in Aceh from the Ministry of health and WHO in December 2005, and is also active in writing articles or conducting related research of mental health.

The doctors from Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina did fashion show with Batik from Alleira Batik, bags from Coreta Indonesia and veil from Renka Project
At the end of this special talkshow, the Doctors and management of Rumah Sakit Pertamina did fashion show of Alleira Batik and bags from Coreta Indonesia.

Some doorprize for lucky participants